Recouping Benefit Payouts at the Moment of Truth

61% increase in death benefit checks personally delivered.

43% rise in conversions.


The vast majority of financial producers for a large life insurance company avoided delivering death benefit checks to beneficiaries. This gap in personal service undermined the fulfillment of the organization’s brand values at the moment of truth. It also allowed untold missed opportunities for recouping benefit payouts. Because checks were mailed instead of delivered to beneficiaries, producers were passing up face-to-face meetings with beneficiaries who had the money and motive to invest in more protection for themselves and their families.


GroPartners initiated our RAPPORT Process: Research, Analysis, Positioning, Planning, Operation, Results, and Translation. We conducted interviews with beneficiaries who collected death benefits within the past four months; those who received them both directly from the hands of the producers and those who received them via mail or other non-personal delivery. We also interviewed producers who practiced personal delivery and those who did not. With intel from these four segments and corresponding sales histories, we developed a channel marketing and management program. This program, entitled “The Moment of Truth,” was intended to boost in-person death benefit delivery. Our strategy included developing an elite class of producer who enjoyed enhanced compensation and other benefits for meeting delivery goals. We created a channel marketing program with case stories and tools to help producers deal with emotionally charged delivery process. We also packaged conversion strategies and wrapped the entire program in ethics training.


Prior to the program only 32% of death benefit checks were personally delivered compared to more than 93% within 8 weeks of launching the program. Conversions rose by 43% making this a highly successful revenue retention program.


Posted on

June 27, 2019